Tonight's Movie: CRSHD, written and directed by Emily Cohn. 8:30 PM.
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Emily Cohn
Emily is a New York City-based filmmaker. She’s had a web series featured in the NYTimes and her first short film was funded by the Tribeca Film Institute and won Best Drama at the 2012 All American High School Film Festival. CRSHD, her first feature film, premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival this year. Emily was highlighted in a NYTimes feature Tribeca Film Festival: 9 Filmmakers Who Should Be on Your Radar. CRSHD has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes! Q&A with Emily Cohn below! Was there a particular event or time that you recognized that filmmaking was not just a hobby, but that it would be your life and your living? EC: I've been filming myself and my friends since I was in 5th grade, digitizing tapes and then teaching myself how to edit on Movie Maker and iMovie. But I only realized filmmaking could be my profession when I was accepted into the Tribeca Film Fellows program as a high school senior in 2012. It was a real vote of confidence early on. They took us to private screenings with director Q&A's (with filmmakers like Benh Zeitlan and Terence Nance), gave us business cards to hand out at networking events (where we were at least 15 years younger than everyone else) and taught us everything from budgeting to pitching to post. It was a true bootcamp and totally got me hooked on every aspect of the film world and the people I met who populate it. What films have been the most inspiring or influential to you and why? EC: I always go back to LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE. It's the perfect combination of heart and humor. Other favorites would be FINDING NEMO and WHEN HARRY MET SALLY. I'm always most concerned with storytelling and the push-pull of human relationships. HONEY BOY is a new favorite. How'd you get your start? EC: My first film-related job was working at the clothing company Opening Ceremony in their OCTV department, pitching and editing content. I was 15 and totally terrified by everything, but my bosses there were so sweet and took me seriously, which means a lot now when I look back on it. What do you hope to do next? EC: SO MUCH! For now focusing on a second feature script, a TV series and an animated project. Overall I want to keep telling stories that express some of the anxieties surrounding identity and the digital age with strong female leads. In my dreams I also want to direct a Harry Styles music video.